3+ miles @ ~7 min/mi
My dinner at 6pm: greasy french fries dusted with Old Bay seasoning + chunks of milk chocolate + a leftover pancake found in the refrigerator + a couple of big glasses of Pepsi Cola. The not-too-surprising result a couple of hours later: gastrointestinal "distress" when I try to run fast around the Walt Whitman High School track. And it's an excellent excuse for being slower than I was at the 2009-08-07 - MCRRC Going Green Track Meet last year!
Bottom line: two mile race 13:53, pushing hard; one mile (half an hour later) 6:42. No timing information for my 400m leg of the relay (another 30 minutes later) with Christina Caravoulias, Jeanne Larrison, and Don Libes, but I suspect it was also in the 6:45 ballpark.
Lesson learned: what one eats before a fast run sometimes matters!
(photos by Ken Trombatore) - ^z - 2010-08-28